
My Favorite Things of the Week

New York Restaurant Week
A 3-course dinner at a nice Manhattan restaurant for $35 - you can't beat it! We went to Crema. I highly recommend the flautas. If Restaurant Week came more than twice a year, I would be way fatter.

Hello Kitty Band-Aids
They make you feel better faster - it's scientifically proven! These are the only kind of Band-Aids I buy. I mainly use these so Bob won't steal my bandages, but he's been known to use them in a pinch.

I finally finished it! Every time I would read it, I kept falling asleep. Not because it's exceptionally boring, but because there's just so much Woolfian description - pages and pages of it. I really did like it though, and I'd like to see the movie now. But I'm sort of scared, because I know it will make me cry! The book was sad enough, and once that soundtrack kicks in...I'll be a goner.

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